Watch club member Susan Harris’s video about the “pollinator action” in her tiny front yard in Greenbelt, after she added some plants suggested by readers.
The club removed English Ivy from some trees and got coverage in the media! Click here to read “Let’s get the English ivy off our trees!”
Seen in this photo are Bruce Bauman and Melissa Mackey removing English ivy in Roosevelt Center.
Got a hedge? Here’s pruning advice from an expert who visited Old Greenbelt to show us how. She’s a professional pruner with Yankee Clippers in the DC area. The article includes a video of her explaining what our old hedgse need.
Enjoy THIS GREAT ARTICLE AND VIDEO by club member Catherine Plaisant about the Conservation Landscaping project she and this group of volunteers got funding for, installed, and are now caring for on Ridge Road in Greenbelt, across the street from the Elementary School.
Doug Tallamy
“A Guide to Restoring the Little Things That Run the World"
Recorded on Sunday, January 10, 2021, please enjoy this collaborative webinar between the Hardy Plant Society/Mid-Atlantic Chapter and the Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College.
Emma Weiss
“An Introduction to Mycology”
Please enjoy a recording of BGC’s first virtual speaker event! A senior plant biology major at the University of Maryland, Emma spoke to us about growing mushrooms in your home or garden.
Sandra Lange
“Garden Oasis”
Please enjoy a virtual tour of BGC member Sandra Lange’s garden. Sandra offers a look into her beautiful garden, filmed late August 2020.
Carol Warner
“Beardless Irises for your Garden”
For those interested in irises, please enjoy a video of Carol Warner speaking on beardless irises at the JC Raulston Arboretum. We so enjoyed Carol Warner's presentation to BGC in 2018, and our visit to her remarkable gardens.